Airports of Thailand PLC (AOT)

25/06/2024 Company update: "Reclamation of areas to improve facilities" – Outperform (TP Bt78)
13/06/2024 Company update: "Slow quarter is largely priced in" – Outperform (TP Bt80)
15/05/2024 Earnings brief: "2QFY24: In line with estimates." – Outperform (TP Bt80)
02/04/2024 High conviction: "More passengers = higher earnings" – Outperform (TP Bt80)
14/02/2024 Earnings brief: "1QFY24: Misses estimates. Earnings still on an uptrend." – Outperform (TP Bt80)
17/01/2024 Company update: "Strong 1QFY24F will be near-term catalyst" – Outperform (TP Bt84)