BGrimm Power PCL (BGRIM)

14/05/2024 Earnings brief: "1Q24: Profit down YoY & QoQ on FX loss" – Neutral (TP Bt33)
01/03/2024 Earnings brief: "4Q23: Profit up QoQ despite FX losses" – Neutral (TP Bt40)
14/11/2023 Earnings brief: "3Q23: Profit hit by FX losses" –  Neutral (TP Bt40)
18/08/2023 Company update: "Earnings trend back on track" –  Neutral (TP Bt48)
16/05/2023 Earnings brief: "1Q23: Slightly above expectation" Neutral (TP Bt48)
03/03/2023 Earnings brief: "4Q22: Net loss continued on extra items" – Neutral (TP Bt48)
14/11/2022 Earnings brief: "3Q22: Still a loss due to high gas cost" – Neutral (TP Bt48)
15/08/2022 Earnings brief: "2Q22: High gas cost continued to hit profit" – Neutral (TP Bt50)
17/05/2022 Earnings brief: "1Q22: High gas cost continued to hit profit" – Neutral (TP Bt55)
28/02/2022 Earnings brief: "4Q21: Continued weak profit" – Neutral (TP Bt55)
30/11/2021 Company update: "Still threatened by high gas cost" –  Neutral (TP Bt60)
15/11/2021 Earnings brief: "3Q21: Profit hit by higher gas cost" – Downgrade to Neutral (TP Bt60)
16/08/2021 Earnings brief: "2Q21: Beat on FX" – Outperform (TP Bt64)
13/05/2021 Earnings brief: "1Q21: NNP down YoY on Vietnam solar" – Outperform (TP Bt64)
11/03/2021 Company update: "Share price retreat offers buying opportunity" – Outperform (TP Bt64)
01/03/2021 Earnings brief: "4Q20: Recovery continued" – Outperform (TP Bt64)
18/01/2021 Initiate coverage: "Key power supplier in Thailand’s industry" – Outperform (TP Bt64)